Copywhiz is a file and folder management utility. Its main advantage over other similar software is that it works on rules that you can define all by yourself, for example, that only files with a given extension or newer files can be copied.
As it is logical for copy management applications, the process has two sides: copying and pasting. As for copying, Copywhiz allows for three different ways of running this process. First, you can take advantage of this program’s integration with file managers and use Windows Explorer’s context menu by right-clicking on a file and selecting Copywhiz – Copy. Second, you can use the above procedure repeatedly to pick up files from even various folders. Differently from Windows’ copy feature which cannot store many items at a time, this software can actually create a list of files to copy. Finally, there is Advanced Mode, which works by dragging and dropping files onto the Copywhiz’s main window. Just like the previous mode, it also allows creating a list of different items. Now, the reverse process, pasting, is also possible in different ways. The basic procedure is to use the right-click menu and choose Copywhiz – Paste. In order to move files, you can use a very similar procedure, but this time use Copywhiz – Paste Special – Paste and delete (move). Another way is to right-click and use Copywhiz – Paste Special – Paste as compressed.zip, an option that creates archives containing the selected files. If you need to paste the same data to multiple folders, you can also use the corresponding contextual menu option. A quite advantageous option is to paste only new or modified files, which lets you use this program for differential copying. Again, you may use the contextual menu and select the appropriate option from the Copywhiz – Paste Special entry. Finally, in Advance mode, it is possible to use a combination of the already mentioned methods to paste files following explicit rules, such as compressing a group of new files and pasting them to various folders. This option is available via the Copywhiz – Paste Advanced right-click menu entry as well.
For frequent copies of the same group of files, you can create projects that can be run later when needed. The created projects can be also executed from the command line. However, it is a pity that the program does not include scheduling options that could allow you to execute the projects automatically as planned.
In general, Copywhiz is a very useful application that can be used as an alternative to the system’s file management options. As evidenced above, it provides obvious advantages resulting from a greater set of copy-and-paste options. However, they definitely add extra difficulty to the process, which is why some users may still prefer to use the standard way. And there is one more thing: I am accustomed to using keyboard shortcuts for copying and pasting operations, Copywhiz does not seem to include this feature.